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Children's should start learning the initial courses of the Quran

Children it is the plural that means a child who has not yet matured (bāligh). Here, it relates to the amateur who intends to learn tajwīd.

In many copies, it is written as, with a fathah, tuhfat al atfal on the mīm. However, the more correct pronunciation is with a kasrah misinterpretation of the Quran on the mīm because he came from the village named Mīha and not Maiha. Allah knows best.22

The word is the plural, which suggests someone who is involved, absorbed, or lost in something this is also linked to by the author in the third line as murīd. It includes the beginner and the expert.  The beginner is he who has originally embarked on the study of the science of tajwīd and is incapable of studying texts on his own. 

The intermediate is the student who has seen enough to guide himself in further studies. The expert is he who can read the book and its meanings.

Most believe that the words are synonymous. A few students differentiate between the words saying that ajr jazaria is a reward that is received after doing a particular action, whereas thawāb is a reward given by Allah through his mercy and grace with no work required.

In supplementary alif at the point of the words. In Arabic, it is called alif al-itlāq, a common alif. It has no bearing on the word itself but is merely used to keep the rhyme scheme of the poetry. It is used repeatedly in this book.

So, what is the meaning of tajweed, the source (of the four rules) is ith-hār, before the words of the throat, which are six, arranged in order (of their makhārij from the lower throat upwards) online Quran teacher?

The hamzah and the hā`, then the ‘ain and the hā` which require dots and then the ghain and the khā.` The six letters of the throat are mentioned. Thus if an nūn sākinah or tanwīn arrives before any of these letters, ith-hār will take place.

And the second (rule) is idghām in six (letters), appearing in (the combination) 7, which are fixed by them (the qurrā` - as the letters of idghām).

In most manuals, the six letters of idgām are said to be found in the combination 7 (with a fathah on the mīm). However, some claim that it should be (with a dammah on the mīm) because it stems from the Arabic (with a dammah on the mīm), which means to get haste.

Rules concerning the nūn sākinah, the tanwīn, and the mudūd. But, other controls with al jazariyyah these are also explained, the lām al-ta‘rīf, the mīm sākinah, the nūn, and mīm when people are mushaddad, etc. The reason why the author only mentions nūn, tanwīn, and mudūd is because the rules in the book predominantly affect them tuhfat al atfal.


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