Something opposed to shiddah is rikhwah or rakhāwah. It implies delicate quality. The sound streams while announcing Tohfat Al-Atfal.
The basis for why sound streams when denoting these letters is a direct result of the frail reliance of these letters upon their makhraj what is the meaning of tajweed.
In the second 50% of this line, the letters are considered. Which truly intends to raise. In this way, Ibn al jazariyyah alludes to them as the seven raised letters that are inverse to the third characteristic referenced in the mainline, istifāl. Its applied definition is the ascending of the back part of the tongue while articulating these letters.
Because of the back part of the tongue rising, these letters are perused with a full/thick stable Called tafkhīm.
Its backward is istifāl, which actually means to lower. Its actualized definition is the point at which the back piece of the tongue doesn't rise however rather lays profound when articulating these letters. It is found in all the letters alongside the letters of isti˘lā'. Because of the back bit of the tongue keeping out of sight, these letters are tended to with a level/slight sound (tarqīq).
The primary point referenced right now hams, which is the distinction between the principal quality determined in the past line, Jahr.
Hams means to murmur. Its applied definition is the streaming of the breath while articulating these letters how to read Quran faster.
The letters of hams are ten and found in the blend of breath streams so easily in these letters is on the grounds that the reliance of these letters upon their Quran makhraj tajweed sonnet is powerless, which permits the breath to stream.
Hence, these letters are smoother in their elocution in correlation with their contrary letters which have Jahr.
Something against hams is Jahr, which implies brilliant or boisterous. Its applied definition is the detainment of breath while articulating these letters. The letters of Jahr are all the unused letters of the Arabic letter set other than the ten letters of hams.
The motivation back why breath is detained in these letters is that they have a solid conviction upon their makhraj, which doesn't permit the breath to stream. Thusly these letters are generally stronger than in the letters of hams. The following property referenced is shiddah, Tuhfat Al Atfal which is the turn around of the subsequent quality determined in the primary line, rikhwah, tuhfat al atfal.
Shiddah really means quality. Its applied definition is that the sound is detained while proclaiming these letters. Its letters are found in the request. The explanation that the sound is detained is because of the safe association of these letters upon their makhraj.
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