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Holy Quran is a miracle of speech for Muslims

Every divine Muslim must memorize Quran as much of them as probable. Muslim prayer in the silence of a room or a congregation begins with the words of the Qur’an’s opening sura (Al-Fatihah). Prayer is thought to be a way for Muslims to allow the name of Allah. This divine-human interchange is eloquently expressed in a hadith Qudsi, a saying of the Prophet quoting God.

Muslims have seen the Qur’an as a miracle of speech. Its classic style, idioms, and noted unity are seen to be evidence of its divine origin for Muslims. Its interpretation (tafsir) has occupied some of the best minds of the Muslim community, tuhfat al atfal.

The knowledge of its grammar and language, speech, similes, and metaphors, stories, myths, and precepts have evolved into an ancient science. Quran learning, likewise, its recitation, whether in a simple chant (tartil) or highly developed artistic, musical rendition (tajwid), has attracted the best voices and talents of Muslim society throughout Muslim history. It is in the recitation of the Qur’an that pious Muslims feel its power and beauty. Qur’an reciters have, therefore, occupied a special place of honor in the Muslim community.

The Qur’an has set the standard of achievement for Arabic literature. It has, moreover, filled the literature of all other Muslim languages. Muslims greet each other with the words of the Qur’an and, with its words and ideas, communicate their feelings and thoughts. 

The Qur’an is believed to have been sent down to Prophet Muhammad and through him to humankind "in clear Arabic speech" (Qur’an 16:103). Although the Qur’an has been translated into the most maximum of the major languages of the globe, it is recited in its original language.

The Qur’an is explained and its meanings interpreted into other languages only to recite the Quran and understand the Quran its teachings. To know the Qur’an in all its dimensions, it must be studied in its original language. Also, Know about the tajweed,  what is the meaning of tajweed.

In the Qur’an, a pious Muslim hears God’s determination guiding and encouraging, consoling and reproaching, promising the righteous mercy and infinite bliss, while threatening the wicked with wrath and eternal torment.

For Muslims, the Qur’an is the knowledge of God, which has recorded human time to shape history. According to Muslim sources, the Angel Gabriel announced himself to Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE while he was in prayerful retreat in a cave on Mount Hira, outside Mecca. It is stated that in this initial meeting, the Angel Gabriel pressed Muhammad so vehemently that he felt he was being choked. The Qur’an says that the angel then commanded.

Recite in the name of your Lord who built, created man from a blood clot. Recite, for your Lord is most magnanimous - who guided by the pen; taught man that which he did not know. (Qur’an 96:1-5)

Muslims claim that God warned Prophet Muhammad: We shall surely lay upon you weighty expression and ordered him to rise through most of the night in prayer and identity fervently what he was told to be, "the Lord of the east and the west" (Qur’an 73:5 and 73:8). For Muslims, this "weighty speech" marked Prophet Muhammad as the last Messenger of God to humankind; this event was to have a significant impact on the course of human history.


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