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Reading of the Quran with Tajweed begins from Tuhfat al-Atfal Poem

All high applause be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I affirm that there is none deserving of love with the exception of Allah and that Muhammad Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah lift up his notice ) is His slave and Messenger.

In spite of the fact that the content is called tuhfat al atfal (A present for the youngsters), the term 'atfaal' ought not to be taken in a strict sense.

The Prophet Sallallaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah commend his notice ) presented the Quran with the principles of Tajweed as he encountered it from Jibreel, may Allah raise his notice. This Tajweed incorporates the way to express the letters and their qualities and every single other thing that is identified with the standards of tajweed Tohfat Al-Atfal.

Executing the Tajweed is something extensively required, and whoever peruses the Quran without Tajweed is wicked. Since it was uncovered all things considered from Allah, and that is the way from Him, it contacted us.

"What is dictated by that will be that Allah uncovered the Quran with Tajweed, and the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam ( may Allaah lift up his notice ) got it orally like this from Jibreel, may Allah commend his notice.  There are many Ijazah certified teachers are available to teach Courses.

Allah uncovered the capacity to present the Quran with Tajweed in the Quran, as Allah says (what implies): {… and discuss the Quran with estimated recitation...} [Quran 73:4] It is realized that the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam ( may Allaah commend his notice ) used to recount the Quran with Tajweed, as it was uncovered to him, so however this stanza approaches him, what is implied in his country. It was accounted for that 'Ali, may Allah be satisfied with him, stated, 'Estimated recitation (Tarteel) is the Tajweed of the letters and the information on delays and stops.'"

Jazaria an Arabic Language lyric. The Quran contacted us from Allah through the reliable Jibreel with Tajweed to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah lift up his notice ) – as we said – from the Preserved Tablet, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah magnify his notice ) passed on it to the Companions, and afterward the Taabi'is (age following that of the Companions) and their supporters learned it in that capacity (from age to age) to our Shaykhs – may Allaah show leniency upon them – with Tawaatur (the variety of the wellsprings of a specific report that prompts certitude in the audience that the report is without a doubt genuine).

With the depiction of the Tarteel that covers the Tajweed and the elocution and verbalization of the letters and their portrayals and all other related issues which are critical in the Arabic language and by which the Quran was uncovered.

Allah says (what implies): {And We didn't send any dispatcher with the exception of [speaking] in the language of his kin… } [Quran 14:4]; so it is a commitment that all the laws of the Arabs be considered in regards to issues that change the structure or fixed the importance, and it is attractive in regards to issues that make the elocution increasingly lovely. We expressed that it is attractive right now the talented reciters just realize shrouded botches with respect to the error of the letters r, n, and l."


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